A Day With Chase

A Memorial for Chase Robert
At 10:49am on February 17th, 2015, our son, Chase Robert was brought into the world, sleeping. Chase was a beautiful baby boy who looked just like his older brother.
On February 16th, we were at a routine ultrasound appointment, when we were given the devastating news... the ultrasound technician and doctor were unable to find a heartbeat. We were heartbroken, shocked, mad, numb; The night before we were on our sofa feeling Chase kick our hands.
While in the hospital we received papers and pamphlets on grieving and memorializing our baby. But we later realized that one thing we never received was any advice on how to best spend the one day we would have with Chase; the memories we would hold onto. This is what sparked the idea for the A Day With Chase Foundation.
Our Foundation in the News: